Honorary Ambassador
Honorary Ambassador Reverend Dr. George E Holmes, Jr is the Mr. DC 2022 and the Mr. DC 2023
Honorary Judge. The Honorary Ambassador Rev. Dr. George E. Holmes, Jr is a Two-time Recipient of the
President of the United States’ “President’s Lifetime Achievement Award” and studied at Howard
University. Having served and assisted three consecutive United States Presidents: President Bill J.
Clinton; President George W. Bush and President Barack H. Obama and their White House
Administrations, both Democrats and a Republican, and five consecutive District of Columbia Mayors.
The Honorary Ambassador Rev. Dr. George Edward Holmes was bestowed the Presidential Lifetime
Achievement Award by President Barack H. Obama for his lifelong commitment in building a stronger
nation. Rev. Dr. Homes is the first member of Clergy to be officially trained by Members of the United
States Congress in a special Congressional Political, Education and Leadership Training Institute, having
the distinct honor of being selected by United States Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton. The
Honorary Ambassador Rev. Dr. George E Holmes Jr has too many accolades to list, but here’s a few: Rev.
Dr. Homes was key in the development of the $1.5 Billion Waterfront District. He was later elected as a
Ward 3 At-Large Democratic Committee Delegate. He was chosen to be part of a special government
and automotive executive’s delegation to the United States Embassy in Paris, France to meet with the
United States Ambassador to Paris to foster economic partnerships and expand the automotive
industry’s commerce globally through venues as the Paris International and the Washington Auto
Shows. Rev. Dr. Holmes continues to mobilize and promote the interest of thousands of Americans and
Many Citizens of the World.